Phone82-2-6924-3114 (Operator)

CEO : Yoon Chun Sung

LX International, 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03184, Korea

“Jeong-Do” Management

Behavior pattern

Management Philosophy

Our management philosophy is to be ‘the link to a sustainable future’

By linking Korea to the world, linking new technology to everyday life and linking generations of the present with the past, we continue a sustainable future.

Behavior pattern

Jeong-Do Management, based on ethical management, is the LX code of conduct encourages continuous skill development to promote fair business practices

LX code of Ethics

LX code of Ethics

  • Chapter 1. Responsibilities and Obligations to Customers

    Based on the belief that customers are the true foundation of our business, LX always respects the opinions of its customers, and secures their unconditional trust by constantly creating and providing them with value.

    1. Respecting Customers.

    We value the opinions of our customers and validate their true needs at all times. We regard our customers as the primary standard for our decisions and conduct.

    2. Creating Value

    We work hard to create value for our customers. Through customer satisfaction, we can build the foundation of our sustainable prosperity. We continuously create practical value that fully benefits and satisfies our customers.

    3. Providing Value

    We are always true to our customers and never fail to keep our word.
    We offer the highest quality products and services at affordable prices and respond to customers’ requests promptly and accurately.

  • Chapter 2. Fair Competition

    LX complies with local laws and regulations in all of its business activities around the world, and secures a competitive edge through legitimate means only.

    1. Pursuing Free Competition

    We uphold the principles of the free market economic system and pursue open competition around the world.
    We earn our customers’ trust through top-quality products and services.
    We compete fairly and capably with our competitors and do not interfere with their interests or exploit their weaknesses.

    2. Complying with Laws and Regulations

    We conductour domestic and overseas business activities in strict accordance with local laws and regulations, and with respect to local business customs.

  • Chapter 3. Fair Transactions

    All transactions are based on the principle of free competition with equal opportunity for participation, and we pursue co-development from a long-term perspective by building mutual trust and cooperation through transparent and fair transactions.

    1. Equal Opportunity

    LX offers equal opportunities to all qualified companies seeking to become our business partners.
    We register and select all applicants in a systematic manner according to a fair and objective evaluation process.

    2. Fair Transaction Process

    We conduct all business transactions under equitable circumstances. The terms and procedures of the transaction are thoroughly discussed between the parties involved.
    We never engage in any form of unfair transaction taking advantage of any superior position.
    We exchange transaction information through appropriate procedures in a timely manner.
    Transaction results are evaluated on a regular basis and mutual cooperation measures are taken.

    3. Pursuing Mutual Growth

    We support the long-term growth of our dealers and vendors by enhancing their competitiveness through technological technological and managerial assistance.
    We share the profits derived from business innovations.
    We pursue mutual efforts and cooperate with our business partners in promoting a healthy business environment and maintaining fair business processes.

  • Chapter 4. Basic Ethics of Employees

    Our executives and employees establish the right values as part of the LX family, with a belief in honesty and fairness, and complete the given mission through continuous self-development and fair job performance.

    1. Basic Ethics of Employees

    LX Employees are proud of the Company and always act honestly and fairly.
    LX Employees strive a high standard of morality and continuously strive to maintain their personal dignity and the Company’s honor.

    2. Accomplishing Missions
    LX Employees accomplish their duties in accordance with the visions and policies of the company.
    LX Employees perform assigned duties in the best possible and professional manner while obeying relevant regulations.
    LX Employees protect and preserve Company’s properties and maintain confidentiality on information gained during employment.
    LX Employees openly communicate and cooperate with colleagues and related departments to enhance work efficiency.

    3. Self-development
    LX Employees understand the meaning of an ideal employee and constantly strive to meet these standards through self-development.

    4. Fair handling of Job

    LX Employees carry out their duties based on honesty and fairness, always seeking to contribute to fostering a sound business culture.
    LX Employees do not accept any form of financial benefits from stakeholders that may influence their clear judgement.
    LX Employees do not engage or unethical behavior in performing their duties.

    5. Avoiding Conflict of Interests with the Company

    LX Employees avoid personal behaviors or relationships that are in conflict with the Company’s interests.
    LX Employees do not use the Company properties to pursue personal interests.

  • Chapter 5. Corporate Responsibilities for Employees

    LX respects all executives and employees as human beings, treats them fairly based on their abilities and achievements, and helps them to fully demonstrate their creativity.

    1. Respecting Humanity

    LX treats each employee with warmth and trust and values every individual’s dignity.
    LX makes every effort to help employees feel pride and personal fulfillment by giving them a sense of ownership in their jobs.
    LX has established regulations and educational guidelines and takes necessary actions to assist employees in performing their duties in a fair and effective manner.

    2. Fair Treatment

    LX offers equal opportunities to all employees based on their abilities and talents.
    LX evaluates the abilities and performance of its employees using fair means and rewards.

    3. Promoting Creativity

    LX makes every effort to create a working environment conducive to creative thinking and autonomous behavior.
    LX actively develops employee abilities and manages its human resources based on a long-term plan.
    LX respects personal lifestyles and creates a developed organizational culture through mutual trust and understanding.

  • Chapter 6. Responsibilities for the Environment, Society and Stockholders

    LX contributes to enhancing human happiness and promoting sustainable development by fulfilling its responsibilities to the environment and society through honest and transparent management.

    1. Protecting Environment

    We strive to make our best efforts in preventing environmental pollution and conserving nature for the preservation of a clean environment.

    2. Compliance with social responsibility

    We conduct our business with respect for social values as integral members of the community.

    3. Protecting the interests of shareholders

    We enhance the company's value through rational and transparent management, while protecting the interests of our shareholders.

Jeong-Do Management Program

Jeong-Do Management Program

To become a respected company, LX International operates the Jeong-Do Management Program, as detailed below

  • Jeong-Do Management Operating System

    LX International has a dedicated ethics office under the CEO to systematically practice Jeong-Do Management.

  • Jeong-Do Management Education/Culture Spreading Activities

    We provide not only theme-specific training for all workers, but also customized training for new/experienced employees and incumbents.
    We strive to reaffirm an organizational culture of Jeong-Do Management through various activities such as Jeong-Do Management newsletters, quizzes and events.

  • Management Improvement Incentive System

    We are receiving recommendations for risk prevention and management improvement suggestions as well as best practices for establishing a culture of Jeong-Do Management.

  • Pledge to practice Jeong-Do Management

    Executives and employees pledge to comply with the LX Code of Ethics and Jeong-Do Management by practicing Jeong-Do Management and complying with anti-corruption codes, and partner companies are also participating in this pledge.

  • Bribery and Gift Reporting System

    Receiving money or gifts from interested parties is strictly prohibited, regardless of the reason.
    . If you unavoidably receive money or gifts for congratulations or condolences, you must report and return them according to the relevant procedure; if return is not possible, you must report it to the Ethics Office.

  • Report Center

    LX International operates a reporting system that allows executives and employees to report violations of Jeong-Do Management or other breaches, and also operates a grievance counseling channel on the company intranet for counseling and reporting on workplace sexual or other harassment.

Contact us

feel free toContact us

Tel82-2-3777-1114 (Operator)
AddressLG Gwanghwamoon B/D, 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03184, Korea
View Map


  • Select
  • Grievance inquiries
  • Health and safety inquiries
  • Human rights violations
  • Others

Personal Information Collection Consent *

■ Consent on Collection of Personal Information

(1) Personal Information Items to be Collected

The following personal information items are collected from the website of LX International Corp. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

Personal Information Items to be Collected
Classification Collection Method Items to be Collected
Required Information Collected during customer inquiry and investment inquiry E-mail address
Automatic Collection Collected through the internet browser IP Address, cookie, date of visit, service use record

(2) Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The Company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes.
To secure smooth communications channel, such as delivering notices on customer inquiry and/or investment inquiry and verifying personal opinions, etc.

(3) Personal Information Retention and Use Period

The Company will retain and use the personal information within the scope consented to by the law or the user at the time of collecting the personal information.
Retention and use period of each personal information item are as follows

Personal Information Retention and Use Period
Classification Retention and Use Period
E-mail Address, IP Address, Cookie, Date of Visit, Service Use Record 3 Years

(4) Withdrawal of Consent on Collection and Use of Personal Information
User may withdraw the consent on collection and use of the personal information through the website of the Company at any time. Withdrawal of the consent can be made through contacting the privacy officer via telephone or e-mail, etc. and necessary measures, such as deleting the personal information, etc. will be made immediately. However, the above personal information are required to provide services on the customer inquiry and investment inquiry, and therefore, once the consent is withdrawn, the use of the services may be limited.

Information on the Substance When Requesting Access/Deletion of Personal Information *

■ Information on the Substance When Requesting Access/Deletion of Personal Information

When requesting to access/delete personal information, please complete the following information and submit to CONTACT US.

  • Email Address: (You must enter the e-mail address that was used when submitting to Contact Us before)
  • Matters of Request (please complete by selecting from the following.)
    • - Accessing the personal information collection consent and use details
    • - Deletion of personal information
  • Reason for the Request: (Please complete in detail.)
I have been informed on the terms of the aforementioned collection and usage of the personal information, and I consent after verifying all above terms.

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LX International

LX International is always open to listening to diverse stories from our customers. :)