Phone82-2-6924-3114 (Operator)

CEO : Yoon Chun Sung

LX International, 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03184, Korea

Safety & Health

Safety & Health Management Policy

LX International values the safety and health as our top priority. The company established the following policies and goals and continues to pursue them for the safety and well-being of our stakeholders and to cultivate a mature safety culture by building a safe workplace and a pleasant working environment.

  • 1.  We recognize the ‘creating of a safe workplace and a pleasant working environment’ as the foremost management value.
  • 2.  We build and continuously operate a safety and health management system to prevent accidents.
  • 3.  We regularly identify the potential risks and adequately address the identified risks with sufficient human and material resources.
  • 4.  We establish and fully implement the internal regulations that are in complete alignment with the safety and health-related laws and regulations.
  • 5.  We strive to prevent accidents through the engagement and consultation of all employees, including the partner companies.
  • 6.  We build and enhance a mature and robust safety and health culture through dynamic communications with our stakeholders.

January 3, 2024
C. S. Yoon, CEO, LX International

LX International Safety Principle

Our goal is to achieve zero accidents in all our operations. Under the roof of LX, all members are working diligently every day to achieve the goal of ‘zero harm’. We are concentrating on three major areas, namely people, production process, and logistics, and are endeavoring to ensure that all members of LX International, subsidiaries, and partner companies can work in a safe and pleasant working environment by improving safety work procedures.

  • All occupational hazards are preventable.
  • All occupational hazards are manageable..
  • All employees should undergo safety training on a regular basis.
  • Safety check / diagnosis is a vital element.
  • A safe workplace enables a sustainable business.
  • Employees are the core of the business.

Safety and Environment Vision and Management System

Safety Environment Inspection Process

Long-Term Safety and Health Goals (Action Plan)

Human Rights

Human Rights Management

LX International fosters trust and cooperation among all stakeholders, including our employees, under the management philosophy of respect for human dignity. For this purpose, we have developed and are operating a human rights management system based on Jeong-Do management, and have set and implemented ethical standards as criteria for proper conduct and value judgements that the executives and employees must follow.

Human Rights Declaration

  • 1. We stipulated respect for the employees’ human rights and the prohibition of discrimination in Chapter 5 of the LX Code of Ethics, ‘Responsibilities for Employees’, which is the foundation of the employee’s code of conduct, and strive to internalize it to all our members. Based on mutual trust and affection, we treat each employee as an independent individual, and we do not tolerate any acts that violate this whatsoever.
  • 2. We prohibit involuntary work through mental or physical coercion, and forbid the employment of child workers.
  • 3. We adhere to local laws and regulations in creating an environment where human rights and safety are safeguarded for employees at Headquarter and overseas sites so that human dignity and a stable life can be preserved.
  • 4. We respect the diversity of our employees, do not discriminate based on personal identity such as gender, age, origin, race, religion, or disability, and establish a fair and reasonable working environment. In particular, we provide equal opportunities for employment based on job qualifications and competencies.
  • 5. We endeavor to ensure that all members of the company, subsidiaries, and partner companies can work in a safe and pleasant working environment through continuous safety and health management activities.
  • 6. We enhance human rights management within the supply chain and disseminate a culture that respects and safeguards human rights in our subsidiaries and partner companies.
  • 7. We actively collaborate in activities to improve the quality of life and protect human rights in order to coexist with external customers, shareholders, and local communities.

Mid- to Long-Term Human Rights Management Goals

Grievance Handling System

Operation of Grievance Handling System

Based on the Human Rights Declaration, LX International operates in-house grievance handling center to protect the human rights of its executives and employees and fulfill its top responsibility in establishing a culture of respect for human rights. We receive reports on workplace sexual harassment and bullying through a hotline which the Ethics Bureau, HR team, and the labor-management council are in charge of, and make every efforts to respond to such cases rapidly and appropriately. Filing for grievance can be made via the extension number or the personal contact number of the employee in charge, or the counseling link provided in the grievance handling center.

Whistleblower Protection Policy

• Whistleblowers and their reports are strictly confidential within the LX International’s Jeong-Do Management organization, and the reporting system is protected by security system.
• In addition, the person in charge of receiving/investigating the report is operated by a limited number of people who have pledged to strictly observe the confidentiality of the report.
• If it is recognized that the disadvantageous disposition or punishment of the whistleblower was caused by the report, restitution or equivalent compensation measures will be taken.
• If you report irregularities involving yourself, you will be treated reasonably with sufficient extenuating circumstances

Grievance Reporting Process and Informant Protection

The confidentiality regarding details of the consultation and the identity of the informant are strictly ensured, unless the person gives consent. After receipt of a grievance, we conduct an investigation on the relevant matters and consultation with the informant, and based on this, we take disciplinary action and personnel management measures according to the confirmed facts. We also carry out thorough follow-up measures to prevent further damages.

Grievance Handling Process

Receipt of a report → Consultation(informant) → Fact-check(conduct interviews, investigation) → Measures(disciplinary, personnel management, etc.) → Closing(follow-up measures and feedback)

* No. of reports related to grievance in 2022 : none
* Ratio of processed cases related to grievance in 2022 : 100%

Human Rights Management Activities

  • Internalization of Human Rights Management
  • Operation of Grievance Handling System
  • Operation of Ethics Bureau
  • Internalization of Human Rights Management

    - LX International offers legally mandatory education, such as training to raise the awareness of people with disabilities, prevent sexual harassment, and prevent bullying in the workplace, in order to disseminate a culture of respect for human rights.

  • Operation of Grievance Handling System

    We operate an in-house grievance handling center to establish a healthy organization culture through handling the grievances of the employees. We receive reports on workplace sexual harassment and bullying through a hotline which the Ethics Bureau, HR team, and the labor-management council are in charge of, and make every efforts to respond to such cases rapidly and appropriately.

  • Operation of Ethics Bureau

    We foster trust and cooperation among all stakeholders, including our employees, under the management philosophy of respect for human dignity. For this purpose, we have developed and are operating a human rights management system based on Jeong-Do Management, and have set and implemented ethical standards as criteria for proper conduct and value judgements that the executives and employees must follow.

Data Security

Data Security Management Policy

LX International establishes and operates information security policies and guidelines based on a compliance system. Through this, we minimize information security risks and efficiently respond to incidents and environmental changes.

Data Protection Governance

Data Security Certification of ISO / IEC27001 Achieved

LX International achieved the ISO/IEC 27001 certification for the Information Security Management System in April 2023. Obtaining this certification demonstrates that our information security system meets a high level of standards by passing rigorous evaluation of over 100 criteria, including the information security and policies and technical safeguards.

Data Security Activities

  • Operation of Data Protection Measures
  • Data Protection System Evaluation and Emergency Response
  • Conducting Simulated Training to Respond to Malicious Emails
  • Data Security Pledge Signed by Every Employee
  • Operation of Data Protection Measures

    To implement information security measures, we manage physical and environmental security, operational security and security for the electronic financial transaction and ensure the implementation of information security measures during the IT adoption, development, and maintenance processes.

  • Data Protection System Evaluation and Emergency Response

    Data Protection System Evaluation and Emergency Response Every year, we conduct information security diagnostics by engaging external firms to assess the overall management level of information protection. We also perform web system vulnerability assessments to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses such as external hacking and system tampering.

  • Conducting Simulated Training to Respond to Malicious Emails

    Conducting Simulated Training to Respond to Malicious Emails LX International conducts annual training sessions to raise the employees’ awareness of information security and prevent security incidents.

  • Data Security Pledge Signed by Every Employee

    Data Security Pledge Signed by Every Employee LX International collects an information security pledge from new employees upon their entry to the company. Additionally, every year, all employees, including those currently employed, are reminded of the security commitments and asked to reaffirm their commitment by submitting an online information security pledge.

Social Contribution Activities

Social Contribution Activity System and Direction

LX Group’s core values are ‘link’, ‘future’, and ‘human’. LX International is committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibility through various social contribution activities that are aligned with the company’s key competencies with the goal of a ‘shared life’. To accommodate the characteristics of local communities, we have separately established social contribution plans and support directions for domestic and international activities.

Social Contribution Activity System and Direction
Category Domestic social contribution Global social contribution
Direction Activities centered around the core values of
LX Group, focusing on ‘future’ and ‘human’
Collaborative activities with local communities near the overseas business sites for a ‘shared lie’
Beneficiaries • Children, youth, and natural environment for the ‘future’ of the next generation • Local communities and residents
near overseas corporations
• Local environment
Support direction • Donation of funds and goods
• Remote talent donations through
non-face-to-face means
• Environmental / safety protection activities
• Support for talents and local economies utilizing the capabilities of the overseas business
• Support for the improvement of the living environment and the health of local residents
• Support for the restoration of the natural environement

Policy to Engage in Local Communities

Mid- to Long-Term Community Engagement Goals (Domestic)

Social Contribution Activities

  • In-house Volunteer Group ‘LEXT’
  • Matching Grant system
  • Operation of Local Community Consultation Channel
  • Participation in Gwanghwamun One Team Activities
  • In-house Volunteer Group ‘LEXT’

    LX International operates an in-house volunteer group ‘LEXT’ to support employee participation in volunteer activities, donations, material support, talent donations, and environmental/safety protection initiatives.

  • Matching Grant system

    LX International operates a ‘Matching Grant System’ in which the company matches the amount donated by employees. Since 2018, we have been steadily accumulating employee donations through the Matching Grant System, and were used to support social contribution projects.

  • Operation of Local Community Consultation Channel

    We have tried to minimize the negative impacts on local communities where overseas corporations are located by fostering communication of local residents through operating a consultation channel.

  • Participation in Gwanghwamun One Team Activities

    Though the Gwanghwamun One Team’s initiative, which brings together 20 local businesses, organizations, and associations, we engage in activities that support local small business owners and promote community development. We also provide assistance to marginalized groups such as people with disabilities, the elderly, youth, and multicultural families. In addition, we actively participate in environmental protection and energy-saving campagins,

    자세히 보기 (기사링크) 연결

ESG Management Policy in Partner Suppliers

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

LX International is committed to building a sustainable future alongside our domestic and international partner companies in compliance with the ESG Code of Conduct for LX Group's partners.

ESG Evaluation of Partner Companies

ESG Training Session for Suppliers

In 2024, LX International conducted supply chain ESG training for five suppliers. In particular, we organized training contents to strengthen their capabilities in the areas where weaknesses were found in the supply chain ESG assessment results to increase their awareness and understanding, and to help them voluntarily internalize ESG capabilities.

We also conducted 1:1 consulting meetings with two suppliers (Company S and Company H) to support ESG improvement. We listened to their ESG management status and difficulties, and provided guidance and materials on how to improve.

LX International will continue to do its best to create various systems and support for suppliers' ESG risk management and performance improvement to realize shared growth and lead a healthy corporate culture.

Safety and Environmental Activities of Partners

We are committed to ensuring safe working environments for our partners, identifying and minimizing potential risks in advance, and maintaining sustainable partnerships.

Accident rate for the workers at partners (within our workplace)

Both us and our partners

Mutual Growth Program for Partners

LX International has partnered with the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) through a “Global Mutual Growth Program” agreement (as of June 2020) as part of its effort to enhance the competitive edge of its partners and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). The mutual growth program is a system in which LX International and IBK raise a fund worth 600 billion won and provide low-interest operating funds to their partners and small businesses.

Support case

Goodbye Car (a company that recycles scrap cars and batteries) and etc.

OneStar International (specializes in oral care for pregnant women, infants, children, and the elderly)

Communication Channels for Partner Companies

LX International pursues win-win growth with our partner companies. We have created a dedicated communication channel for partners on our website. So our partner companies can express various complaints and suggestions through the channel.

* No. of received and processed cases related to grievance and HSE
   from partner companies in 2022~2023 : none
* Ratio of processed cases related to grievance and HSE
   from partner companies in 2022~2023 : 100%

Sustainable management of supply chain

ESG Management Policy of Supply Chain

LX International has formulated an ESG management policy for the supply chain to build a sustainable supply chain. Based on this policy, we will identify and manage risks that may arise in the supply chain and we will remain entirely dedicated towards creating greater value with our partners.

Article 1: Partner Selection Criteria

LX International will prioritize partners who absolutely meet the ethical, legal, and ESG management criteria throughout the supply chain. Additionally, we will ensure that all purchased items are produced and procured in line with the ethical and legal criteria.

Article 2: Partner Responsibilities and Management Areas

LX International's partners are required to unconditionally comply with LX International's Code of Conduct for Partners and ESG management policy for the supply chain in all aspects of their management and business operations. LX International reserves the right to audit and inspect the partner's compliance, within the bounds of the law, with the Code of Conduct and ESG management policy.

Article 3: ESG Management Areas of Partner Companies

The ESG management areas of LX International partner companies are as follows:

①Ethics : Anti-corruption, conflict of interest prevention, unfair trade prevention, export control compliance, and information protection.
②Environment : Environmental management system construction, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions management, water resources management, air pollution control, waste management, and chemical management.
③Labor and human rights : No discrimination, working hours management, no child labor, and no forced labor.
④Safety and health : Occupational health and safety management system construction, machinery and equipment safety management, emergency response, accident management, and health management.

Article 4: ESG Evaluation System for Partner Companies

1. LX International reserves the right to conduct the ESG assessments of its partners to manage the ESG risks and facilitate their sustainable management. Given the increasing importance of the ESG evaluations in domestic and international transactions, LX International has plans to expand the ESG evaluations for its partners.

2. LX International may conduct any written evaluations via email. Evaluations are conducted on the premise that the responses submitted by our partners are completely factual, and we reserve the right to request supporting documentation as necessary. The results of the written evaluation serve as a criterion for a due diligence designed to evaluate the ESG risks, creating the basis upon which any remedial actions may be developed.

3. LX International analyzes and supports the improvement of the partner's ESG management based on the evaluations and due diligence. The level of improvement in ESG management may be incorporated into future transactions between LX International and its partners.

Article 5: Communication with Stakeholders

LX International is unreservedly engaged in ongoing communication with both our internal and external stakeholders for the ESG risk management of the supply chain. Various channels for the benefit of communication, including a reporting system for partners on our website, have been set up to address any concerns from our partners and to facilitate mutual growth. Going forward, our plan is to disclose our status and plans concerning our partner companies' ESG management through our sustainability reports.

Contact us

feel free toContact us

Tel82-2-3777-1114 (Operator)
AddressLG Gwanghwamoon B/D, 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03184, Korea
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  • Select
  • Grievance inquiries
  • Health and safety inquiries
  • Human rights violations
  • Others

Personal Information Collection Consent *

■ Consent on Collection of Personal Information

(1) Personal Information Items to be Collected

The following personal information items are collected from the website of LX International Corp. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

Personal Information Items to be Collected
Classification Collection Method Items to be Collected
Required Information Collected during customer inquiry and investment inquiry E-mail address
Automatic Collection Collected through the internet browser IP Address, cookie, date of visit, service use record

(2) Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The Company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes.
To secure smooth communications channel, such as delivering notices on customer inquiry and/or investment inquiry and verifying personal opinions, etc.

(3) Personal Information Retention and Use Period

The Company will retain and use the personal information within the scope consented to by the law or the user at the time of collecting the personal information.
Retention and use period of each personal information item are as follows

Personal Information Retention and Use Period
Classification Retention and Use Period
E-mail Address, IP Address, Cookie, Date of Visit, Service Use Record 3 Years

(4) Withdrawal of Consent on Collection and Use of Personal Information
User may withdraw the consent on collection and use of the personal information through the website of the Company at any time. Withdrawal of the consent can be made through contacting the privacy officer via telephone or e-mail, etc. and necessary measures, such as deleting the personal information, etc. will be made immediately. However, the above personal information are required to provide services on the customer inquiry and investment inquiry, and therefore, once the consent is withdrawn, the use of the services may be limited.

Information on the Substance When Requesting Access/Deletion of Personal Information *

■ Information on the Substance When Requesting Access/Deletion of Personal Information

When requesting to access/delete personal information, please complete the following information and submit to CONTACT US.

  • Email Address: (You must enter the e-mail address that was used when submitting to Contact Us before)
  • Matters of Request (please complete by selecting from the following.)
    • - Accessing the personal information collection consent and use details
    • - Deletion of personal information
  • Reason for the Request: (Please complete in detail.)
I have been informed on the terms of the aforementioned collection and usage of the personal information, and I consent after verifying all above terms.

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LX International

LX International is always open to listening to diverse stories from our customers. :)